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Used Equipment Sale

08/02/2024, 6:30am CDT
By admin

Aug 26 11a - 3p

For both Hockey and Figure Skating Items

Hello Skaters,

It is time to clean out your closets!!! The annual Use Equipment sale is Saturday 8/24 from 11a - 3p.  You can drop off at 10a on the day of the sale.
Here are the instructions if  you are wanting to sell anything:
1. Write your name, phone number, VENMO (if you have one), Size of the item, and amount you are selling it for on the front of an envelope.  Safety pin the envelope to the item.  Tie skates together.  Buyer will place their money in the envelope and give it to the clerk.
2. If you would like to donate unsold items, put "DONATE" on the envelope.
3. Return at 3pm to collect your money envelopes and unsold items.
Instructions for buyers:
1 Please bring CASH!!
2. Give cash and item envelope to the clerk,
This sale will take place in the front lawn of the main building, since the Pavilion is under construction.

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